5 Things Parents Should Know about Children’s Teeth

Our teeth are with us for life, so it’s on us to look after them from a young age. As a parent, it is important to look out for any changes or possible issues with your child’s teeth, as when spotted early they can be effectively treated by your...
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Saliva and Oral Health – What is Saliva?

Saliva plays an often underappreciated role in maintaining a person’s oral health. You may find yourself wondering, ‘Do I have too much or not enough?’ The questions that should really be asked, however, are ‘What is the function of salivary glands?’ ‘What is Saliva?’ and ‘How does Saliva work?’...
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How Early Childhood Dental Visits Benefit Your Child’s Oral Health

Our teeth are designed to last a lifetime, but this is only providing they get the care and attention they need at every stage of life. Watching your child develop is exciting, and it is important to remember that looking after their oral health is just as crucial as...
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Thumb Sucking – What Problems Can It Cause?

Thumb sucking is a common behaviour amongst infants, and it is a natural action which brings with it a sense of comfort and security. Most children grow out of this behaviour between the ages of two and four. However, if thumb sucking persists beyond the age of four, this...
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Why is My Child Scared of the Dentist?

Dental fear and anxiety can be caused by trust issues, fear of the unknown and unfamiliar, fear of loss of control or a previous traumatic experience. Both children and adults can be affected by dental anxiety.  How to deal with a child’s dental fear and anxiety  Children with high...
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How Often Should a Child See a Dentist? 

On the children’s first birthday or once their first tooth emerges, they should visit the dentist (and every six months after that). This helps ensure proper oral development as well as prevent or address bad oral habits (e.g. thumb sucking, nail biting).  Preparing children for their first dental visit ...
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