How to Help Children Care for their Teeth 

Our children still don’t fully understand the value of caring for their teeth. They might still be unfamiliar with toothache, tooth staining and gum disease. As a result, they might fail to take care of their teeth on their own.  Our job as adults is to guide and teach...
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What Makes a Paediatric Dentist Different?

It’s good to take your child to a paediatric dentist, a professional who specialises in children’s dentistry including those with special needs.  Paediatric dentists are trained to:  Use special approaches in treating children who have intellectual, physical and medical conditions as well as those with behavioural challenges (e.g. autism,...
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How Do I Comfort My Child at the Dental Clinic? 

Visiting the dental clinic can be a scary thought and experience to children. As a result, parents find it hard to take their children to the dentist (children will do all sorts of things and make excuses to avoid or delay it).  However, it’s critical for children to see...
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What Should Parents Know About Baby Teeth? 

Baby teeth, also known as primary teeth or milk teeth, are not meant to be permanent. Although temporary, they can still affect your child’s oral development and habits. That’s why it’s still important to take your child to the dentist once the baby teeth start to come out.  When...
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How Does Bad Oral Health Affect a Child? 

Bad oral health can have short- and long-term effects on a child’s development and wellbeing. Here are some:  Tooth decay. Improper oral hygiene practices, such as infrequent brushing and flossing, can lead to tooth decay (cavities) in children. Untreated tooth decay can cause pain, discomfort and difficulty eating, which...
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Why are My Child’s Teeth Yellow? 

Parents often worry when they notice yellow discoloration on their child’s teeth. While teeth naturally vary in shade, persistent yellowing can be attributed to certain factors. Here, let’s explore common causes of yellow teeth in children and discuss potential treatment options to restore their smile’s natural brightness.  Enamel development ...
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