Specialist Kids Dentist, Dr Chinh Nguyen & Associates provides safe and comfortable baby root canal treatment for children. STOP the PAIN and SAVE the TOOTH!
Inside every tooth is a pulp chamber with nerve tissues and blood vessels. When decay spreads deep enough to affect the pulp of a tooth, the infection can then cause a number of problems, including pain. In the past, the tooth would most likely be lost, but today Specialist Kids Dentist can perform root canal treatment for children, called a baby root canal or pulpotomy, to remove the infection and save the tooth. During a pulpotomy the infected part of the nerve is removed and a sedative medication is placed inside the tooth on the healthy portion of the pulp to prevent sensitivity and to promote healing. Back teeth that receive a pulpotomy should be strengthened with a crown. With proper homecare and regular check-ups, the treated tooth should remain healthy until it falls out at the appropriate age.