Are Digital X-Rays Safe for Kids?

Although the amount of radiation used in dental X-rays is very small, the effect is cumulative, so all radiation counts. Because we care about your child’s bodily health and well-being, we believe that reducing the amount of radiation exposure is extremely important. We take additional precautions, including lead aprons and thyroid collars that shield and protect the body.

Using the most advanced dental technology possible is just as important as staying up-to-date on the latest treatment techniques. Because Specialist Kids Dentist is dedicated to providing you with the safest and most convenient treatment options available, we utilize advanced digital X-ray technology in our office.

What else is great about digital radiography in children's dentistry?

  • Quick and comfortable
  • Enhanced, instantly viewable images
  • Electronic storage for instant retrieval
  • Digital delivery

At Specialist Kids Dentist, we only take x-rays when necessary.  It means that we evaluate and assess each child and only take x-rays based on cavity risk or an inability to clinically view certain sides of the teeth.

Why can’t my child’s dentist simply look at the teeth to find cavities? Why are dental x-rays need?

While visual inspection can identify surface decay, taking an x-ray helps us to detect inter-proximal cavities, or cavities in between the teeth. Also, an x-ray can tell the paediatric dentist how much of the decay has spread within the tooth.  Dental X-rays detect much more than cavities. They may be taken to survey erupting teeth, diagnose bone disease, evaluate the results of an injury, or plan orthodontic treatment. Dental X-rays allow dentists to diagnose and treat conditions that cannot be detected during a clinical examination.

In general, children need X-rays more often than adults. Their mouths grow and change rapidly. Their teeth are more susceptible to tooth decay than adults.  High caries risk patients may need more frequent X-rays than children with a low risk of tooth decay.  Each child we see is different, and the need for digital x-rays will differ from child to child. You can rest assured that we will always take a conservative approach, and will do everything in our power to protect your little one’s safety and dental health.

How are x-rays taken on little children?

Younger children are placed in their parent’s lap, while older children can sit by themselves on the chair in the x-ray unit. Although the digital x-rays have a lot less scatter radiation, everyone in the x-ray room is protected through the use of lead aprons. We also use smaller, softer x-rays to make the process easier for little ones to get their x-rays taken.

Kids emergency dentist

What if a child is too uncooperative to have x-rays taken?

Sometimes the dental exam can be done using only visual observation for younger patients or special needs children. If the doctor feels that treatment is necessary, further x-rays can be taken at that time, when the child is sedated. Usually, the use of oral conscious sedation and nitrous oxide (or laughing gas) can put the child at ease and make the process of taking x-rays a lot more pleasant.

What If My Child Already Has Film X-Rays?

We understand you want to minimize your child’s exposure to radiation. If your child has previously had traditional x-rays, accepting film digitally is no problem for us. Our team uses advanced software that allows for the digital transfer of film for families transitioning into our practice.

Specialist Kids Dentist is focused on making your child’s dental experience as comfortable as possible. At your next appointment, we’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have. Contact us today!