Teeth have actually started developing since the baby’s in the womb (which is why good pregnancy nutrition is crucial). Then, the teeth actually start to erupt or come in at the ages of 6 to 12 months. By approximately 33 months (exact timing for each child varies), most of the primary teeth have already erupted.
Importance of primary teeth
Although those teeth are just primary and temporary, they still play an important role in the child’s proper development. They guide the proper development and eruption of permanent teeth and they also make chewing and digestion easier for young children. In addition, those teeth can also affect their smiles and other facial features.
Importance of early dental care
That’s why it’s important for young children to undergo proper dental care. As soon as their first tooth comes out or when your child is already a year old, a timely dental visit can help spot early problems and prevent worse ones from coming in. Also, parents play an important role in maintaining their children’s dental health.
Caring for baby teeth
Here’s a quick guide on how to care for your baby’s teeth and early oral development:
- From birth (wipe your baby’s mouth and gums with a clean soft cloth)
- First tooth (use a soft toothbrush and plain water twice a day)
- 12 months (your child’s first dental visit)
- 18 months (use a low fluoride toothpaste and have your child spit and rinse it)
- 2 and ½ years (start of flossing)
- 4 to 5 years (children now know how to brush their own teeth)
- 6 years (start using adult toothpaste)
- 8 years (maintain and encourage regular brushing and flossing, continue timely dental check-ups)
It’s just a rough guide because children undergo oral development differently (e.g. exact timing varies). It’s best to ask a paediatric dentist about how to best care for your child’s teeth and healthy oral development.