Caring for Your Teething Child


Teething generally occurs between 4 and 6 months of age, but it can start at any age. It’s exciting to watch your child’s teeth develop, but it can also be an uncomfortable experience for some children. To help you deal with the teething process, Specialist Kids Dentist has prepared a brief blog post highlighting the symptoms of teething and how you can manage them to keep your child as comfortable as possible.

The Symptoms of Teething

The signs of teething are usually very clear. Some of the most common observations parents may make may include:

  • Noticing their baby is more irritable
  • Frequently chewing
  • Has swollen and red coloured gums
  • Drooling more than usual
  • Some children develop a mild fever

Whilst not all babies experience pain during teething, it is certainly not uncommon to experience some pain. The feeling of baby teeth erupting through the gums can cause some distress, but there are many ways to help soothe your baby. Pain usually only lasts for around a week, and if it persists any longer we recommend scheduling an appointment at Specialist Kids Dentist immediately.

Tips to Ease Discomfort

As a parent, you may wish to try some of the below to help ease your teething child’s discomfort.

Gum Massage – Applying gentle pressure whilst massaging the gums will help to soothe the pain and provide immediate relief.

Chew on a clean, cold cloth – Your child may wish to chew on a clean, cold washcloth which can also help in relieving pain. This should only be done under supervision.

Cold Foods – It is best to provide your baby with cold foods during the teething stage. Babies enjoy chewing and biting, and the cool temperature will provide a numbing effect. Some foods which teething babies love include yoghurt, frozen fruit and vegetables. Try to avoid hard foods which may irritate the gums and exacerbate pain.

Teething Gel – Bonjela is a mouth ulcer & teething gel which is readily available in chemists and provides effective relief from teething for babies over 4 months old. This product contains a mild local anaesthetic and is sugar free. Simply massage your child’s gum with a small amount of gel on your finger for fast-acting relief.

Panadol or Nurofen for Children – You may wish to try child-specific pain relief medicine. If your teething child also has a fever, this may be necessary to reduce their temperature.

If you have tried the above remedies and are concerned that your baby or toddler is still experiencing pain or discomfort, please schedule an appointment with Specialist Kids Dentist at your earliest convenience.

Specialist Kids Dentist – Your Trusted Sydney Paediatric Dentist

We understand that teething can be a challenge to manage, but the good news is that it doesn’t last for long and is an important part of your child’s development. It is a good idea to introduce your child to the dentist at a young age, as this will set them up for a healthy future and ensure that any dental issues can be managed effectively.

To book an appointment, please call us on 02 9600 6848. The friendly team at Specialist Kids Dentist Summer Hill and Liverpool look forward to seeing you soon.